Outline of Dominica island with gradient color


CETI's research takes place in the Eastern Caribbean island of Dominica, also known as The Nature Island.

Aerial photo of Dominica island

About our focus
on Dominica

A core part of CETI’s mission is for new research and knowledge about the sperm whales to bring more attention to the Dominican-led marine industry and support Dominica’s conservation leadership in the Caribbean.

All research and findings by CETI in Dominica will be open-source and will be available for Dominican-led research and initiatives.

  • Black in Marine Science
  • Dominica National Youth Council
  • Dominica State College and Dominica’s Ministry of Education
  • National Geographic
  • Ministry of Education, Human Resource Planning, Vocational Training and National Excellence
  • Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Blue and Green Economy
Scientific equipment against concrete backgroundAquatic robot interacting with fish
Tools of the Trade

That Make the Work Possible

A mix of research vessels, boats, and other equipment are critical to our success. When we’ve completed our work, all equipment will be donated to CETI’s local entity at the completion of the project for continued use by Dominican researchers.

Rigid inflatable boat
Locally made boat
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CETI buoy with yellow trim floating on water
CETI-1 sailing vessel out on the ocean with team
Sperm whale diving toward bottom left

Marine Conservation Fellowship

CETI’s capacity-building initiative, Dominica Marine Conservation Fellowship, is a 10-month, multi module training program for young Dominicans interested in marine science. The program’s curriculum (co-created with National Geographic) includes sessions on marine science, scientific research/techniques, water and vessel skills and storytelling and leadership among other topics.

CETI fellows participate directly in CETI’s research, have the opportunity to engage in a variety of programming and mentorship opportunities and receive diving certification. Fellows also engage with local schools and organizations and complete a final project as part of the program. After they graduate from the program, fellows remain involved as mentors, session facilitators and community leaders.

Ensure local access and inclusion in CETI's research
Support and elevate local conservation efforts
Support increased monitoring and understanding of Sperm Whales and the ocean
Fellows Khade, Whitney, and Omari standing in front of tropical foliage


Instill confidence into emerging local leaders to allow them to speak with authority about their natural heritage marine conservation.

  • Intrapersonal development
  • Goal setting & mentorship
  • Public speaking
  • Team-building
  • Stress and time management
  • Conflict resolution
  • Leadership styles
  • Giving/receiving feedback
Khade and Whitney on boat


Build capacity and increase local whale monitoring efforts by sharing research techniques that can be utilized to monitor and manage marine species.

  • Participation in CETI’s at-sea research and on-site robotics laboratory
  • Data collection and management
  • Analysis of whale populations, monitoring, assessment and reporting as a team
  • Photo-Identification of individual animals
  • Conservation theory and ocean policy
  • Included in scientific publications
David Gruber standing with group of fellows


Empower storytellers with the tools necessary to advocate for marine life, at both the community and government levels.

  • Cultivation of storytelling skills through National Geographic educational content
  • Exposure to blue economy jobs, local fisheries, ecotourism
  • Contributions to gov’t initiatives, NGO work
  • Participant-led projects in their communities (e.g. schools)
  • Use of video, web, social platforms to amplify participants’ projects
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Our Approach

Featured Fellows

2023 - 2024 Fellow

Yanson Hilaire

From the tides of the South East, Yanson brings another dynamic take on ecological stewardship. With a passion for pursuing marine biology and eco-consciousness, he believes in the importance of protecting our underwater resources. Through his creative energy and unwavering hope for the future, he aims to raise awareness about the importance of marine conservation. He wishes to serve as an inspiration to others to join the mission of safeguarding our precious underwater ecosystems. CETI’s Fellowship set the platform for his ambition; the seafoam crests only moving higher.

A finite resource that ripples through us, central to our life force, deserves to be protected, observed and appreciated.
2023 - 2024 Fellow

Tracey Daway

Tracey Daway is a budding storyteller and emerging environmentalist, climate justice activist, mental & spiritual health advocate with an interest in coral reef restoration, community engagement and advocating ocean literacy. She has been passionate about humanitarianism for many years. This passion has fueled her desire to one day establish a startup, addressing pollution in marine spaces, particularly the Caribbean. Tracey is working to hone in on her craft and capture the beauty and complexity of the natural world. In the future she hopes to go back to school to further herself along this career path. Her goal is to use her skills and knowledge to contribute to the conservation and understanding of the natural world, and to inspire others to do the same. She believes in the shared responsibility of caring for the Earth. She's ready to learn, adapt, and contribute to bringing about positive change.

Our oceans need us, there's space for everyone wherever you are so join the fight and stand for them.
2023 - 2024 Fellow

Kodie Jean Jacques

My life has been centered around robotics and technology since I was 8. To further fuel my passion, I embarked on the multifaceted journey that is the Project CETI Marine Conservation Fellowship Programme. Being a CETI fellow has allowed me to harmonize the rhythms of my technological fascination, with the melody of Dominica’s marine atmosphere. After spending countless hours on Dominica’s waters and in Dominica’s waters - collaborating with industry leaders in marine biology, linguistics, underwater acoustics, electrical/mechanical/computer engineering, and mathematics, I can safely say that the ocean has gained a new lifelong champion. I am excited to continue expanding my knowledge and skills in the field of marine conservation technology, and I am confident that together, we can make a positive impact on the well-being of all underwater life.

As my CETI journey unfolded, I became increasingly propelled by a vision to harness the power of robotics and technology for the betterment of our planet’s vulnerable ecosystems.
2023 - 2024 Fellow

Adeola Xavier

A student at the Dominica State College currently pursuing a degree in Biology and Psychology. She aspires to combine these fields and one day attain a career in neuroscience. Her aspirations extend beyond academics, as she seeks to contribute positively to marine conservation awareness in Dominica. Motivated by her upbringing on an island, she holds a deep appreciation for the ocean and its impact on the environment. In addition to her interests in marine conservation, she also has a passion for the arts and social sciences.

Sperm whales have the biggest brains of any animal species- imagine unlocking the secrets of that mind.
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Listen to the Whales!

We’ll keep you up-to-date on the latest breakthroughs and progress.

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